Tuesday 14 August 2012


I am lying down on my bed  thinking about last week and how so uneventful it was and then it dawned on me that it was quite eventful thanks to my bestie Troy (my 7yrs old son) who cracks me up day in day out.  I still don't know how I managed to convince him that Sponge Bob is my cousin, I heard him telling a friend with so much pride that I am related to Sponge Bob  Lol,  he was telling his friend that my mummy's father's, fathers, fathers, fathers, fathers, father's brother is Sponge Bob's dad, hmmmmm  I am such a genius!! kids the kind of things they believe is amazing, I have to find a way to tell him that spongey is a freaking cartoon. Oh Troy bless his soul love him to bits

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