Saturday, 2 August 2014


Few weeks back I was so distraught it was so bad that I cried and went to my spiritual head Pastor Lawrence Oyetunji who helped me build up my faith and strength. You see I didn't lack anything as per the basic necessities of life e.g food cloths name it I was okay in that department lol, but I knew something was wrong spiritually and emotionally I just knew I was empty, I knew I wasn't where I am suppose to be in life because God has a purpose and a better plan for me. In life we all have dreams and aspirations some we achieve some we don't, I had so many dreams whilst growing up some I achieved  some I didn't the ones I achieved are not the ones I want, though I am passionate about them. I know I have some much to offer in life but lack the wherewithal to carry them out, the more I thought of my projects the more I am  saddened by it. 

Like we all know when we are deep in thoughts the devil strikes with all sort of negative thoughts (You will never amount to anything, I thought you said God will see you through believer? See so so doing fantastically well why not do it this way since Gods way is not working bla bla bla bla) but it takes the grace,your belief as a Christian and your faith in God to stay focus and strong I thank God that By his grace I snapped out of that devilish mode and switched on my plan B mode which is according to my friend and sister Vickie Roberts "what next" I reconnected to God to seek his face because when you are in that state you are disconnected from God asking like,  if you are really there why are things not working out, how can you let these things happen, why are my question not being answered? But God told me You will be fine, remember I never said life is going to be easy or that you will not pass through trails and tribulations I let it happen 
1. Because if you don't go through trails how would you know that I can solve them
2. After the storm is over you will discover they were for  your good and for my glory
3. To appreciate me more
4. Most importantly to use your testimony  to give hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless.

God is wise and can never give you more than you can carry when the odds are against you do not fret like I did just stay focus and positive (not easy though but you will be fine) step aside let go and let God he  will see you through. Shalom be calm Oluwa is on your case

okay time for some pounded yam and okro soup when there is life there is hope see you podsters larra


  1. Don't worry The good God you serve will perfect his will for your life.So let your heart not be troubled.stand firm and you will see the mighty hand of God very very soon.Hold tight don't give up on God be cos he is attending to your issues right now in Jesus name.Amen

  2. Love your honest primmy, God will see you through

  3. This is very encouraging just when I was thinking of giving up I stumbled upon your write up thanks and God bless you
